Century Data


A data intelligence platform

Know your corporate data and learn how to take the right steps for privacy, protection and perspective.


BigID – the best solution for sensitive data governance

Efficiently manage information about your company's employees, customers and business partners, in compliance with the General Data Protection Law


Privacy automation, flow management and monitoring tools


Protect, identify and
remediate your data accurately


Simplify data governance with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence

BigID is your best choice!

See how ServiceNow uses BigID to automate data classification, improve accuracy and prevent human errors, and integrate with their systems and technology stack.


Data drives business

Extract more value from your data, without compromising security, with BigID solutions:

Detect data for personal information (PI), personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive data.

Correlate personal information and related data for data privacy rights automation.

Capture technical, privacy and security metadata in any data, whether structured, unstructured or in the cloud.

Classify data entities and documents with advanced machine learning.

Group duplicate and similar data together and facilitate labeling, governance and consolidation of data in files and databases.

Protect your data by identifying risks and reducing the attack surface with guided insights.

Ferramentas de segurança

See BigID in action!

With BigID you get unprecedented visibility and insights into personal, confidential and corporate data.

Get a personalized demo from our data experts in privacy, protection and perspective. See BigID in action!

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